How to prepare your toddler for a newborn photo session
May 10, 2023

How do you prepare your toddler for a newborn lifestyle photo session? While you may be able to find plenty of advice on how to prepare yourself and your newborn for a photoshoot, it is quite difficult to know how to prepare your toddler for a newborn session. Any parent knows, that toddlers can change their mood like they change their clothes! They are also going through a lot of new feelings which can off-set the dynamic for the session. We want to include them as best we can and it does require some thought and careful preparation.
Generally, there are two kinds of kids. The A type who is excited for the session, introduces herself and is smiling and posing for the camera. (Generally this comes in girls) And of course there is the B type; who does exactly the opposite. While I am a pro photographer, I am also a mother of two B-types. ahahahaha. What are the chances? I am still to this day shocked, when I get the compliance of an A type. For those with B-type toddlers, do not fret! While you may sweat through your underwear for this session, you will get shots that you cherish. I promise.
Okay, so what do you do?
Prepare your toddler for the session by 1 week max
Let your toddler know ahead of time that a photographer is coming to take photos of the family. Make it just as much about them as it is about the baby. It is helpful to show them photos of other families or themselves in their own newborn session so they understand what is about to happen. Do not do this months or weeks in advance. You will kick yourself if you have a kid that asks questions repetitively.
Get your child excited about the photographer coming and the camera they will use. Try to even practice some poses of your toddler holding the baby. Take photos yourself and show them. Commend their great participation and ALWAYS make it POSITIVE. If they refuse to take a photo with the baby, let it go and ask the next day. Sometimes hiding their favourite toy in the baby’s blanket helps. I try to avoid using candy or food as a reward, but I will not pride myself and say that I haven’t done it, cause for my son, this is the only thing that worked. Hard earned bribery! lol.
The Day of the Session
Allow your photographer to warm up to your toddler in their own time. Some kids do better watching what is happening, or helping. If they tend to be shyer, they eventually will want to be included. (I promise) We recommend never forcing their inclusion as it usually results in a battle of wills. Eventually we will get them involved in a way that they chose to be! In any case, sessions run 1-4hours with lots of breaks for everyone so don’t sweat it. There will be a moment for everyone. Sometimes it is even a relief to get the baby solo shots done first and then add your toddler afterwards. You toddler will wake up the baby, so if you can get your baby sleeping at the beginning than its the best of both worlds.
Incentives for your toddler
Again, I am no angel mother, and sometimes a candy bribe is the only thing that works. Use it last. Candy, a grape, something small that can be popped in their mouth quickly and can be used during the session. Before we get to bribery however, I encourage all parents to try and let the photographer do some negotiating with your child first. As we all know well, strangers can generally motivate our kids effectively. I make sessions with toddlers quite interactive, so prepare to be candid and play with your child. Remember I said that you will be sweating? I am not joking here. You will be asked to throw your toddler, dip them, dance, spin, carry, run, sing. The works! Sessions are meant to be FUN!!!!!!!!! I want REAL, EMOTIVE, REACTIVE moments captured. These are the moments where you see your child’s smile authentically. I will of course try to get a few of everyone smiling at the camera too, but my main goal is to get you laughing and playing with one another.
If you’ve been a parent for even a minute, you’ll already know that eating is life for a toddler. Make sure they are FULL of protein and good foods before the session. A whiny kid is a pain. Don’t start off the session with the odds against you!
Enjoy it. Try to ignore your butt crack sweat or your upper lip getting dewy. Just enjoy the moment the best you can with everyone you cherish the most. It is worth it.
xx- april